Version 1.03 Documentation |
Note: this is the documentation to v.1.03, not the current version,
1.2. In v.1.2, the biggest differences are (1) it's easier to install
-- thanks, Rick Wagner! -- (2) it's combined with ZOBOV, and (3)
boz returns some more data in the text file. Also,
boz works a bit differently now; it may be worth trying
boz from both v. 1.2 and v. 1.03. The extra fields in v.1.2
are explained in the comments at the end of boz.c.
This disclaimer may disappear if I get a chance to update
this page.
VOBOZ (VOronoi BOund Zones) is an
"almost-parameter-free" algorithm designed to detect haloes in N-body
cosmological simulations, written by Mark Neyrinck, with "advice" from my
advisors, Andrew Hamilton and Nick Gnedin. This file contains
instructions on installing and using VOBOZ. It would be difficult to
use these instructions by themselves; they are intended to be used in
conjunction with the paper describing VOBOZ, available at astro-ph/0402346.
However, we hope that, with help from the paper, this file contains
enough information to get one started using VOBOZ. Of course,
questions, comments, and bug reports (without absolute guarantees of prompt
fixing) are very welcome; please direct them to Mark Neyrinck.
This is free software, which may be freely copied, modified, and
redistributed, as long as the authors are acknowledged. There is no
warranty or other guarantee of fitness for VOBOZ; it is provided "as
The URL of this file is http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~neyrinck/voboz/vobozhelp.html.
Click here to go back to
the VOBOZ home page. This document was last updated on 1/18/2008.
Here is a table of contents, for easy navigation:
Assuming you already have a UNIX computer
and a C compiler for it, there are two things that you need to download
to use VOBOZ: our software, voboz1.03.tar.gz;
and the Qhull package, qhull-2003.1-src.tgz. On a Sun
workstation, I have had difficulty getting this newest version of Qhull
to compile; if this happens to you, try the penultimate version, qhull2002.1.tgz)
To install VOBOZ, first gunzip and untar the
Qhull package into its own directory (e.g. ~/qhull-2003.1/).
Go into the ./src directory therefrom (e.g. ~/qhull-2003.1/src/),
and mess around with the Makefile until it lets you compile
everything via make. Qhull also includes a utility which
is supposed to ease this process, Make-config.sh.
Next, you get to compile VOBOZ itself. Gunzip
and untar voboz.tar.gz, whose contents will go into their own,
voboz/ directory. You should get the following files:
Makefile jovoz.c
voz.h voztie.c
boz.c readfiles.c
voz1b1.c vozutil.c
findrtop.c readme.txt vozinit.c
Now, unfortunately, more Makefile fiddling will probably be necessary
in the VOBOZ directory, but we sincerely hope that without too much trouble,
"make" will produce for you a quintet of useful programs. Make
sure that the directories linking to the Qhull header files and library
file are correct in the Makefile. By default, the Makefile
is set to work on the IBM p690 supercomputer at NCSA. Please email
me if you encounter difficulties.
The VOBOZ algorithm has three steps: (1) computing
the Voronoi diagram of the simulation particles, returning the volume
of each particle and its set of adjacent particles; (2) grouping them
into prospective haloes; and (3) discarding particles in each halo which
are not bound to it, possibly destroying the halo. Likewise, there
are three different groups of programs comprising VOBOZ:
This trio of programs (VOronoi Zones) computes
the Voronoi diagram of a set of particles satisfying periodic boundary
conditions, and, for each particle, the programs return the volume of
its Voronoi cell, and its set of Voronoi adjacencies. This step
is broken into three steps because the memory requirements of computing
the Voronoi diagram can be prohibitive if a large simulation is analyzed
directly. So, we break up the simulation into at least two equal parts
in each dimension, resulting in at least eight "sub-boxes."
This first program does not actually have to
be run, but it gives some idea of how equal the partition of the simulation
will be, checks that the number of guard points is sufficient, and generates
a script file which may be used to complete the "voz" step. The input
parameters are:
arg1: position file -- discussed below
arg2: buffer size (default 0.1) -- discussed below
arg3: box size -- the range of positions of particles
in each dimension
arg4: number of divisions (default 2) -- the no. of partitions
in each dimension; must be at least 2 (giving 8 sub-boxes)
arg5: suffix describing this run -- a label for the output
The position file contains the positions of
all particles. By default, this is a Fortran 77 - formatted file,
written as below. The user may also wish to modify the input
format in readfiles.c to suit his/her own data format.
open(unit=1, file=outname, form='unformatted')
write(1) num_particles
write(1) (x(i),i=1,num_particles)
write(1) (y(i),i=1,num_particles)
write(1) (z(i),i=1,num_particles)
The buffer size sets the size, in units
such that the box size of the data cube is 1, of the buffer around each
sub-box when calculating the Voronoi diagram. To reduce the amount
of memory required, VOBOZ divides the particle data cube into at least
two equal parts in each dimension, resulting in a minimum of eight sub-boxes.
Undoubtedly, particles along the edge of each sub-box will have
neighbors outside it, and the buffer should be big enough to catch all neighbors.
To make sure that it is big enough, guard particles are deployed
inside the buffer. If a guard particle is returned as a neighbor
of particle p inside the sub-box, there is a chance that a particle
outside the buffer should be included in p's list of neighbors (which
also affects the volume returned). See the paper for more details on
this process.
It is possible that, for a given border size,
there will be an insufficient number of guard points, a hard-coded number.
If vozinit gives you an error message declaring as much,
you will have to either increase the buffer size, or increase the number
of guard points, set in voz.h.
The output of vozinit is a script file
which, if paths are defined to allow it, will run voz1b1 on
each sub-box, and then voztie:
This program (VOZ one-by-one) calculates the
Voronoi diagram on one sub-box of the data cube. Ideally, one
would not have to use the input parameters, since they would be set in
the vozinit script file, but one argument might have to be
changed if a guard point is encountered while diagramming one of the
sub-boxes. Only the sub-box(es) encountering guard particles need
be rediagrammed. Here are the relevant arguments:
arg2: border size
arg6-8: 0 to (Ndiv-1)
If a guard point is encountered, the easiest
way to fix the problem is to expand the border size (which will result
in a larger memory requirement, and calculation time). This may require
the number of guard particles to be increased in voz.h and voz1b1
to be recompiled. Arguments 6-8 are labels for the sub-box being
The output of voz1b1 is a file containing
the Voronoi adjacencies and volumes of particles in the sub-box: part.%s.%02d.%02d.%02d,
where %s is the "suffix," and the %02d's are the three
two-digit labels identifying the sub-box.
This program ties the sub-boxes together,
returning single adjacency (adj%s.dat, where %s is
the "suffix,") and volume (vol%s.dat) files for the whole
datacube. The volume file is formatted simply in C (not Fortran77)
format: it consists of a 4-byte integer containing the number of particles,
followed by an array of 4-byte floats containing each particle volume.
The adjacency file is formatted in a more complicated manner to
reduce its size from the doubly linked list used within the code. If
you wish to access this, please look at the voztie.c code, or
the jovoz.c code, which reads the adjacency file.
This program (JOin VOronoi Zones) first finds
"zones," (one for each density maximum) and then links them together
in the manner described in the paper. Its arguments are:
arg1: adjacency file
arg2: volume file
arg3: output zone membership file
arg4: output text file
arg5: volume tolerance (e.g. 1)
The volume tolerance is the main parameter present in
VOBOZ, limiting the growth of haloes into low-density regions. Its
canonical value is 0.01, corresponding to a density of 100 times the mean
(the volumes in the volume file should have a mean density of 1).
There are two outputs of jovoz: a zone
membership file which contains the particles in each zone, followed by the
zones linked to each zone, and a text file. The text file lists, for
each zone: an integer identifying the zone; the number of (pre-unbinding)
particles linked to it before a zone with a higher core density is
encountered; the ratio of its "strongest link" (see the paper for the
definition) volume to its peak volume, called r in the paper; and
the "strongest link" volume.
This program (BOund Zones) removes unbound
particles from the haloes found by jovoz. Its arguments
arg1: box size
arg2: Omega_matter
arg3: scale factor a
arg4: position file
arg5: velocity file
arg6: volume file
arg7: input zone file
arg8: output bound zone file
arg9: output text file
arg10: unbinding f
The new argument here is f. To unbind particles accurately
in high-velocity-dispersion regions, it is necessary to unbind only the
most unbound particles first. This is because jovoz may have
included some particles with quite different velocities than the velocity
centroid of the halo, skewing the initial calculation of its velocity
centroid. In practice, this is done by multiplying the potential
energy by a factor large enough that no particles are unbound (the largest
ratio of kinetic to potential energy of any particle in the halo), and then
dividing this multiplier by f at each subsequent iteration,
continuing until either the halo is completely unbound or the multiplier
reaches unity. If no particles are unbound in an iteration while the
multiplier is still descending, the multiplier is again reduced to the
maximal ratio of kinetic to potential energy; this is to eliminate as many
unnecessary iterations as possible. After the multiplier reaches one,
the iterations continue with the true unbinding criterion until either the
halo is completely unbound, or no particles are unbound in an
If the user is cavalier with processor time, (s)he
may wish to use the parameter-free way of unbinding, one particle at a time.
There are some commented-out blocks which should facilitate changing
the code to do this.
There are also a few hard-coded parameters (which should
not affect the results) in boz: the threshold number NPTOTOL of
particles above which a halo is unbound using the deeper and shallower
potential bounds (see paper for details), and the number of partitions
NGRID in each dimension into which the halo is gridded in calculating these
bounds. For haloes smaller than the threshold, the potential is
calculated directly, an order-n2 operation. If
there are haloes with large numbers of particles in the simulation, it
might expedite things to use a large number of partitions, since the
accuracy of the bounds increases with the number of partitions, requiring
only one or two bounds to be calculated for more particles. On the
other hand, the time spent on each halo with a number of particles above
the threshold scales as NGRID3, so one should not be too
cavalier in partitioning. A third parameter here allows one to check
the progress of boz, telling it to report on the unbinding of
haloes with an initial number of particles above PRNTHR. All of these
parameters appear in #define statements at the top of
boz is the only program in the package
which we have formally parallelized (although voz1b1 may be run
on different parts of the simulation in parallel). There are several
"#pragma" compiler directives which have been commented out,
which are for the xlc_r compiler on the IBM p690 supercomputer at
NCSA. These can probably guide users wishing to parallelize under
other architectures, as well. Also, if the "output bound zone file"
already exists when boz is started, all of the haloes previously
unbound are read in from it, and progress recommences at the halo where
boz left off the last time.
Of course, it is vitally important, if tedious, to
get the units right in boz. The velocity file is read in the
same format as the position file, in readfiles.c. When
velread(char *velfile, float ***v, float cell) is called from
boz.c, cell should be set so that velocities in km/sec
are returned. This can be done by altering the #defined NSIM
(the "factory" setting is 256), the box size with which boz is
called, or both; cell = boxsize/NSIM, and represents the physical
size in Mpc/h of a cell in the simulation if there is one particle per
cell. The velocities in the file which velread is by
default set to read must be multiplied by 100*cell to be in km/sec; it is
likely that this is not so for the user's velocity file, so he/she should
look at the way velocities are read and converted, and the way the
"boundness"(kinetic+potential energy) is calculated. A key quantity to look
it is "potfactreal," which, as indicated in the program, is
GM_particle, times whatever unit conversions are necessary to get the
potential energy into (km/sec)^2. We apologize for any pain the user
experiences in checking these units, and will gladly try to help if a user
needs it.
The output from boz (and of VOBOZ,
since this is the last step) consists of two files. The first,
the "output bound zone file," is formatted as follows:
4-byte integer: # of haloes/zones (including destroyed ones), and
then, for each halo (even the destroyed ones): {
4-byte integer: # of bound particles -- this
is zero for destroyed haloes
an array of 4-byte integers containing the particle
numbers of each bound particle in the halo
The second output file, the "output text file,"
is formatted as follows:
First line: Number of pre-unbinding zones; number of bound haloes,
and then, on one line for each BOUND halo: {
An integer identifying the zone (this is the
same as in the jovoz text file, and is the number of the halo
in the "output bound zone file")
The number of bound particles, followed by the
total (pre-unbinding) number of particles, in the halo
The ratio of the halo's "strongest link" (see
the paper for the definition) volume to its peak volume, called r
in the paper
The volume of the halo's peak particle -- note
that this particle may have been unbound
The x, y, and z coordinates
of the halo's peak particle, in units of the boxsize
vx, vy, and vz, the three
coordinates of the halo's velocity centroid